This is the minimum peeps file for the human player in the sandbox. I have added my comments in dark red. These comments are based on my own analysis of the code and my experience in working with it. I do not have any special inside information from MuckyFoot about these files, and I may in some instances be wrong.
;MINPEEPS****************************************************************** :mintargs if segmentdecks > 0 turn > 3600 port_count > 0 turn > mintargs targ_count < 1 then place_peep targ skill 3 dedication 3 loyalty 3 set mintargs (turn + 5000) end :mingreys if segmentdecks > 0 turn > 4800 port_count > 0 turn > mingreys grey_count < 1 then place_peep grey skill 3 dedication 3 loyalty 3 set mingreys (turn + 5000) end :minhogs if segmentdecks > 0 turn > 6000 port_count > 0 turn > minhogs salt_hog_count < 1 then place_peep salt_hog skill 3 dedication 3 loyalty 3 set minhogs (turn + 5000) end :minsirens if segmentdecks > 0 turn > 7200 port_count > 0 turn > minsirens siren_count < 1 then place_peep siren skill 3 dedication 3 loyalty 3 set minsirens (turn + 5000) end :minkarmas if segmentdecks > 0 turn > 2400 port_count > 0 turn > minkarmas karmarama_count < 1 then place_peep karmarama skill 3 dedication 3 loyalty 3 set minkarmas (turn + 5000) end