
This is the criminal rehabilitation reward file for the human player in the sandbox. I have added my comments in dark red. These comments are based on my own analysis of the code and my experience in working with it. I do not have any special inside information from MuckyFoot about these files, and I may in some instances be wrong.

;GETTING REHAB FEES**************************************************************************
; rehabssofar is a system variable, that is, it is maintained by Startopia
; without you having to do anything with it in your script elements
	rehabssofar > paidrehabs
; this is where you change how much a rehabilitation pays the player
	addenergy 1000
; personally I would change the following line to increment paidrehabs rather than
; to set it equal to rehabssofar, to avoid losing rehab money from a busy brig
	set paidrehabs (rehabssofar)
	status_message "lev11_fees01"