This is the reloader for the human player in the sandbox. I have added my comments in dark red. These comments are based on my own analysis of the code and my experience in working with it. I do not have any special inside information from MuckyFoot about these files, and I may in some instances be wrong.
; This file reloads builds, class, and moods files as required by the conditions ; in the saved game. If this file is not included in the mish file, then any ; special conditions of economy, visitors, or residents will be reset to normal. ; See Economy00.txt and Peepsdifficulty00.txt for more details on this topic. ;This file fixes a bug where savegames used the current sandbox settings rather than those configured when the original game was started. :EconomyReloaderEasy if reloaded = 1 economydifficulty = 1 then {missions\00\EconomyEasy.txt} set economydone 1 end :EconomyReloaderNormal if reloaded = 1 economydifficulty = 0 then set economydone 1 end :EconomyReloaderHard if reloaded = 1 economydifficulty = 2 then {missions\00\EconomyHard.txt} set economydone 1 end :VisitorReloaderEasy if reloaded = 1 visitordifficulty = 1 then {missions\00\visitors000.txt} set visitorsdone 1 end :VisitorReloaderNormal if reloaded = 1 visitordifficulty = 0 then set visitorsdone 1 end :VisitorReloaderHard if reloaded = 1 visitordifficulty = 2 then {missions\00\visitors002.txt} set visitorsdone 1 end :ResidentReloaderEasy if reloaded = 1 residentdifficulty = 1 then {missions\00\residents000.txt} set residentsdone 1 end :ResidentReloaderNormal if reloaded = 1 residentdifficulty = 0 then set residentsdone 1 end :ResidentReloaderHard if reloaded = 1 residentdifficulty = 2 then {missions\00\residents002.txt} set residentsdone 1 end :Reloadcomplete if economydone = 1 residentsdone = 1 visitorsdone = 1 then set economydone 0 set residentsdone 0 set visitorsdone 0 set reloaded 0 end