This is the tourists file for the human player in the sandbox. I have added my comments in dark red. These comments are based on my own analysis of the code and my experience in working with it. I do not have any special inside information from MuckyFoot about these files, and I may in some instances be wrong.
;TOURISTS********************************************************************** :TouristMain if turn > touristship then multitrigger :touristrequest set touristship ((turn + 10000) + (rnd%10000)) end :TouristRequest if 0 then set TouristAccept 3 set TouristRequest 1 set TouristTaken 0 disable end :TouristRequest01 if TouristRequest > 0 then incoming ship_comms respond TouristAccept within 1440 skill ((rnd%10000) + 100) "events_touristship01" ; status_message "DEBUG ** Tourists have been created ** DEBUG" set TouristRequest 0 end :TouristAccept if TouristTaken = 0 TouristAccept = 2 then set TouristArrive 0 set TouristMax ((rnd%segmentdecks) + segmentdecks) set TouristAccept 3 multitrigger :TouristTaken end :TouristAcceptLate if TouristTaken = 1 TouristAccept = 2 then incoming ship_comms within 720 "events_Edocking01" set TouristAccept 3 end :TouristIgnoreDecline if TouristAccept < 2 then set TouristAccept 3 end :TouristTaken if 0 then set TouristTaken 1 disable end :TouristGenerator if TouristArrive < TouristMax then place_peep ((rnd%9) + 5) mood fun ((rnd%1000) + 3000) set TouristArrive (TouristArrive + 1) end