This is an employee wages cost file for the human player in the sandbox. I have added my comments in dark red. These comments are based on my own analysis of the code and my experience in working with it. I do not have any special inside information from MuckyFoot about these files, and I may in some instances be wrong.
This file does not work well as written, which is probably why it was not implemented. My suspicion is that it was one of the things lost when the code was frozen for release. My further suspicion is that we would have had the ability to get skill, loyalty, dedication and rank as returned values from peepstat had MF continued to work with this file.
;This will charge the player staff wages every 5 minutes of game time. ;Wages are a basic 50e per hired alien. :WagePayment if peepstat allset resident roger > 0 turn > wagetimer then addenergy (0- (peepstat allset resident roger * 50)) set wagetimer (turn + 7200) status_message "Staff wages have been paid" end ;This will show the player how much staff wages are. It uses the Cargo Value Counter to display this. It updates once every 30 secs. :WageTimer if peepstat allset resident roger > 0 then show_counter wagecost 8 ; my version adds the following two lines show_counter timeclock 6 set updatewages (turn + 720) disable end :WageCosts if peepstat allset resident roger > 0 wagetimer > 0 ; my version adds the following line turn = updatewages then set wagecost (peepstat allset resident roger * 50) set updatewages (updatewages + 720) ; my version adds the following line set timeclock ((wagetimer - turn)/720) end