This is the win file for the human player in the sandbox. I have added my comments in dark red. These comments are based on my own analysis of the code and my experience in working with it. I do not have any special inside information from MuckyFoot about these files, and I may in some instances be wrong.
; This is a rather complex file on account of the multiple possibilites of ways to win ; in the sandbox. Your own win file needn't be so complex. ; no >= operator, so i've had to use (option + 1) everywhere ; this is so that the un-set options default to permitting a win :ENERGYOPTIONSET if (opt_winenergy) > 0 then set numwinoptions (numwinoptions + 1) disable end :TERRITORYOPTIONSET if (opt_winterritory) > 0 then set numwinoptions (numwinoptions + 1) disable end :RESEARCHOPTIONSET if (opt_winresearch) > 0 then set numwinoptions (numwinoptions + 1) disable end :SCOREOPTIONSET if (opt_winscore) > 0 then set numwinoptions (numwinoptions + 1) disable end :WINCRITERIAa if winenergymet < 1 (opt_winenergy) > 0 (energy + 1) > opt_winenergy then set winconditionsmet (winconditionsmet + 1) set winenergymet 1 end :WINCRITERIAaa if winenergymet > 1 (energy) < opt_winenergy then set winconditionsmet (winconditionsmet - 1) set winenergyemet 0 end :WINCRITERIAb if winterritorymet < 1 (opt_winterritory) > 0 (segmentdecks + 1) > opt_winterritory then set winconditionsmet (winconditionsmet + 1) set winterritorymet 1 end :WINCRITERIAbb if winterritorymet > 1 (energy) < opt_winterritory then set winconditionsmet (winconditionsmet - 1) set winterritorymet 0 end :WINCRITERIAc if (opt_winresearch) > 0 (discovery_count + 1) > opt_winresearch then set winconditionsmet (winconditionsmet + 1) disable end :WINCRITERIAd if winscoremet < 1 (opt_winscore) > 0 (sandbox_score + 1) > opt_winscore then set winconditionsmet (winconditionsmet + 1) set winscoremet 1 end :WINCRITERIAdd if winscoremet > 1 (sandbox_score) < opt_winscore then set winconditionsmet (winconditionsmet - 1) set winscorelimit 0 end :haveIwonyetONE if opt_wincriteria = 1 winconditionsmet > 0 then multitrigger :LOSETRIGGER set winola 1 win end :haveIwonyetTWO if ((((opt_winenergy) + (opt_winterritory)) + (opt_winresearch)) + (opt_winscore)) > 1 opt_wincriteria = 2 winconditionsmet > 1 then multitrigger :LOSETRIGGER set winola 1 win end :haveIwonyetTHREE if ((((opt_winenergy) + (opt_winterritory)) + (opt_winresearch)) + (opt_winscore)) > 2 opt_wincriteria = 3 winconditionsmet > 2 then multitrigger :LOSETRIGGER set winola 1 win end ;This bit is for when win conditions equal the number of available win criteria. :haveIwonyetALL if numwinoptions > 0 (winconditionsmet + 1) > numwinoptions then multitrigger :LOSETRIGGER set winola 1 win end :LOSETRIGGER if 0 then set loser 1 disable end :LOSECRITERIA if winola = 0 loser = 1 then set IAMALOSER 1 lose disable end :WINPLAYER if players > 1 then set winplayer 1 disable end :IAMAWINNER if winplayer > 0 IAMALOSER < 1 players < 2 then win disable end /* :WINCRITERIA if opt_wincriteria < 1 ((((opt_winenergy) + (opt_winterritory)) + (opt_winresearch)) + (opt_winscore)) > 0 (energy + 1) > opt_winenergy (segmentdecks + 1) > opt_winterritory (discovery_count + 1) > opt_winresearch (sandbox_score + 1) > opt_winscore then multitrigger :LOSETRIGGER set winola 1 win end :haveIwonyetFOUR if ((((opt_winenergy) + (opt_winterritory)) + (opt_winresearch)) + (opt_winscore)) > 3 opt_wincriteria = 0 winconditionsmet > 3 then multitrigger :LOSETRIGGER set winola 1 win end */